How to Sell Quickly?

Want to sell faster, buy cheaper, or find the perfect contractor for your request? Then welcome to Balkan BID – a platform where an innovative approach to online auctions brings together sellers, buyers, and contractors across the Balkans and far beyond.

Balkan BID – your key to profitable deals and quick sales!

Balkan Auction Balkan BIDLooking at Telegram ad channels, we noticed the pointless and time-consuming scrolling and the challenges of selling this way. So, we set a goal: to create an efficient online platform where, as they say, *haggling is encouraged!* Meet Balkan BID Reverse Auction.

- Development Details on FABER VISUM

Everything is reversed – a price-lowering auction.

What is a reverse auction all about?

  • The seller announces the price, and participants compete to lower it.
  • For participants, the goal is to outbid competitors with a better offer.
  • The seller's advantage: maximum profit, speed, and market demand testing.

Diverse auction formats:

  • Open, private, invitation-only – choose the format that suits your needs.
  • Convenient chat for negotiating deal terms.

Deals are guaranteed.

Flexibility for all participants:

  • If you’re a seller: list items and find the best offer among bids.
  • If you’re a buyer: set your budget and choose the best proposal from incoming offers.

Unique features that set us apart:

  • Auction map: add lots in your language or target region's language.
  • SEO optimization: every lot becomes visible to users worldwide.
  • No commissions: no hidden fees. Everything is transparent and Balkan-friendly.

How to sell FAST?

Welcome to Balkan BID, the reverse auction platform where prices go down!

Example of a quick sale on a reverse auction

Want to sell a house, car, or jewelry at your price or with minimal concessions? You know your jewelry is worth €100,000 but are willing to drop €5,000. After all, there are thousands of similar offers worldwide!

On the Balkan BID Reverse Auction, you list your jewelry for €110,000 with online bidding enabled. And here’s the key: interested buyers don’t need to call you for negotiations – they simply place their bid:

  • The first bidder offers €50,000.
  • The second bidder thinks, “This jewelry is worth at least €90,000 or more!” – and counters with €60,000.
  • The third bids €70,000, but the second or fourth raises it to €95,000.
  • All offers are recorded in the lot card, and each bid has an “Accept” button.

You decide whether to accept the highest bid or reject all if they don’t meet your expectations. The choice is yours.
That’s the essence of Balkan BID Auction for sellers: find a buyer willing to offer the maximum price.

Example of buying on a reverse auction

Want to order a service, hire someone, or buy gold at a better price? You know you’re ready to pay no more than €70 for 10 grams of gold. On the exchange, 10 grams cost €81.

On Balkan BID, you can place a request: “Buying 10 grams of gold with a maximum price of €90.”

  • Suppose the first seller offers €90.
  • But a second seller is willing to sell the same 10 grams for €80.
  • And a third offers €70 because a pawnshop buys it at €50.
  • All offers are recorded in the lot card, each with an “Accept” button.

You decide whether to accept the offer or not.
This is the core idea of Balkan BID for buyers: to find a seller offering the lowest price.

How to start bidding on the reverse auction

  • Register on the Balkan BID website – it’s simple and quick.
  • Fill out your profile to create your business card.
  • List lots or place bids – there’s an option for everyone!
Auction Registration

Auction Registration

First step - Sign In

Your Auction Card

Your Auction Card

Fill Your Balkan Card

Want to bid?

Want to bid?

See how to place a bid.

How to List a Lot for Auction?

How to List a Lot for Auction?

Best rental prices

How to modify auction details?

How to modify auction details?

Change description, photos etc.

How to accept the BID?

How to accept the BID?

Sell quickly to the highest bidder

votes, average
out of 5)